Solar Energy

Solar photovoltaic energy cells are the main power source behind all solar systems, these cells first got their start in calculators. Over the years they evolved into many different uses, the most popular of which is supplying power to homes and business’s around the world. The solar cells are made from a semiconductor material with silicon being the most popular choice. When light strikes this material the semiconductor starts to move the electrons in the solar panels. The resulting electron activity is so strong that as the electrons flow around the semiconductor electricity begins to be produced in the solar panel.

Solar Energy

Now that you have energy produced in a cell you have to is harness the power from the photovoltaic cell into usable power. You must be aware however that solar power is in the form of DC current and needs to first be run through a inverter to change it to AC current at 120 volts. During this conversion a small bit of electricity will be lost. Once the power is out of the inverter a simple circuit is all that is required to power your electrical items.

If the power output is not enough to cover your electrical demands you will have to add more photovoltaic panels to increase the power output of the system. On the other hand if your solar system produces to much electricity you can actually sell it back to the power company. The power companies are required by federal law to buy back excessive energy, not only is this good for the earth but this will help offset the cost of the system as well.

The use of photovoltaic cells to produce power is an emerging technology that has a very bright future. As home owners and business around the world make attempts to save money and reduce operating costs solar energy is becoming a more frequent choice.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit

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