Category Archives: Solar Panels

The Biggest One

The solar energy is proving to be the best alternative source for producing energy. But as they say all things invented have their own disadvantages or bad side; this article will discuss some of the disadvantages that solar energy has.

The main disadvantage that comes along with solar energy would be the initial installation cost. However, SourceTec Energy is here to assist you with that aspect. The initial set-up of the equipment, has in the past, has been too much for an average family. However, things have improved now with reduced prices & generous government subsidies & rebates available.

Solar energy is still the best clean renewable alternative source to use compared the available dirty fossil fuel technologies. With the price of the solar panels continuing to decrease with improved technology and more widespread manufacturing there is likely to be a widespread increase the use of the solar cells to generate electricity for both home and industrial purposes.

Another disadvantage of solar energy installation is that it requires a large available area (generally roof space) for the system to a high enough KWh size to be efficient in providing a large source of electricity. This can be a problem in high density urban areas where space is minimal and often expensive to own as well in some cities.  High Pollution can also cause a disadvantage to the solar panels as it can degrade the efficiency of the photovoltaic cells.

Clouds also give a similar disadvantage, as clouds lessen the energy of the sun rays. These disadvantages were more pronounced with the older solar components and designs however, and the newer designs of solar panels have features that lessen these kinds of effects…… As we already know solar energy needs the sunlight to produce and convert energy into electricity.  So, solar panels can only be useful during the day and at night your expensive solar equipment is useless. However, the use of solar battery chargers helps to reduce this disadvantage, or even better in Australia & Germany there are effective Feed In Tariff programs that allow people to sell their solar produced electricity during the day at a profit & buy fossil fuel produced electricity at night for a cheaper rate.

It’s important that solar panels are properly placed where they can get the maximum amount of direct sunlight so that your systems optimal output can be reached. ObviouslySolar panels should not be placed in an area that has obstructions like buildings and landscaping, and the direction & aspect of the roof is also very important. Make sure your solar system is installed by an experienced and accredited installer.

So these are the disadvantages of making the switch to renewable solar energy. People should always consider the positive or the advantages of solar energy. At this point in our environmental crisis solar energy is proving to be one of the greatest invention of mankind, and it is set to become even more crucial and bigger in the future!

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit

Is Solar Power the Future?

Solar power has been available for decades. Safe, relatively clean energy, but the cost of the panels has long been too high for the average consumer. They’re also the one problem with solar energy, for those wondering about the relatively clean energy part. But the recycling of them should improve over time.

Many people would love to go solar in their homes. It’s a practical energy source in many places, even ones where you wouldn’t expect it to do all that well. And in places where homes aren’t built near a pre-existing grid, solar power is often much, much more reasonable than having wires run out.

The fact that energy prices have been steadily rising also helps solar energy appear more reasonably priced. The cost is almost all upfront, which is perhaps the greatest challenge. A good solar power system sufficient to heat the average home in the United States runs many thousands of dollars. However it also offers tremendous savings over time.

Some people even generate enough excess to where they sell electricity back. It doesn’t bring in much money on the average, but you must admit that having the power company pay you has an appeal, especially if you aren’t paying them anything anymore.

Is solar power ready to take off at long last? It could be. We’ve been hearing for a long time that the day would come when solar power became affordable, something the average family could do, rather than something strictly for the affluent and environmentally aware.

States are becoming more interested in encouraging solar power as well. Many offer rebates or tax incentives to homeowners who install solar panels, and some are starting to look at businesses as well. May as well put those rooftops to good use, after all!

Unfortunately, not all states do this yet. It sounds like they will soon! There is federal legislation requiring states to consider adopting net metering standards by 2008. How this works from state to stat can be tricky, but since 40 states already have net metering, which allows customers to sell excess electricity back, paying only when they need more than they produce, things are looking better all the time.

Solar power is starting to fare better politically too. While it still lacks the funding of the coal or oil industries, it has popular backing. That does make a difference.

Choosing solar power still isn’t the easiest thing. As with other home improvements there’s a lot of paperwork, plus finding a reputable contractor with good solar panel installation experience. But things are definitely looking up.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit

Sizing your Solar Pool

Heating your pool with a solar pool heating system is a great way to lower your energy bills and keep your pool warm at the same time. Swimming pool solar panels are easy to install and will last for years when properly installed. Just like the home solar power systems, they can turn the energy from sunlight into something useful. A solar pool heating system is also a very simple system to install and operate, and can provide heat for a pool of any size and shape as long as you have enough solar collectors in your system.

Solar Pool Heating

Swimming Pool Solar Panels

These swimming pool solar panels need an adequate sun exposure to heat your pool properly. Most of these systems are mounted on the roof of the home or a shed located near the actual pool they are heating. The best alignment for these solar panels for pool is typically due south to collect the most sunlight possible. This allows them to generate more than enough heat to warm your pool to a very comfortable temperature.

How the Panels WorkThe way these solar panels for pool work is simple and very effective. The panels have a webbing of small pipes located inside a weatherproof enclosure. The water from the pool is circulated through this webbing and as it passes through the smaller pipes, it is heated by the sun. Because there are a lot of these small pipes, their combined surface area is large and they can heat the passing water very quickly. This warmed water is the returned to the pool. The system contains a thermostat to help regulate the temperature of the water. When the pool has been heated to a predetermined temperature, the water is diverted around the heating system until the temperature drops. Most of these systems have very few moving parts and actually rely on the pool’s circulating pump to move the water through the system. Some of the more sophisticated solar pool heat systems can even be incorporated into your pool’s control system to allow you to manage the temperature as you would with a conventional heater.

Determining the Right Number of Panels

Deciding how many of these solar panels for pools you need is a matter of calculating the total surface area of your pool. This can be a little bit tricky in some cases as most pool have irregular shapes. You can do a close approximation to find its total area and this will help you design your system. Even though you can use a very small system to heat most pools, for you to be able to heat it quickly you should have enough solar panels to represent one half of the total surface area of the pool you are intending to heat. Even though some manufacturers advise you on a lower ratio, the one-half figure will provide adequate solar panels for pools to heat your pool quickly.

One Thing to Consider

The only other factor you need to consider is how much sun exposure these panels will receive during the day. If they are affected by shade or don’t have a perfect alignment due south, you might not generate the solar pool heat you need and have to increase the number of panels in your system. The nice thing is that it is easy to add panels if you find your pool is not heating quickly enough.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar pool heating, visit

The Sun and your Pool

It is really unlikely that you simply invested in a pool only due to it’s beauty worth, therefore it’s absolutely essential to heat the swimming pool through the entire year to make 100 % use of it even during cool months. There are many strategies to heat a pool. It is possible by means of electricity or perhaps gas, and then the final results will be great, but of course at an excessively high fee, considering the level of water to be warmed, and particularly when the pool is sizeable.

Solar pool heating provide us with a cozy and appropriate pool temperature, a longer lasting swimming season and more affordable pool heating payments. Solar pool heating system rates for a home pool may vary based on the spot and size of the swimming pool, area of the solar power panels, desired temperature and time of year, and form of pool apparatus.

Solar Pool Heating

Due to these factors, it’s not possible to give a precise estimation without the need of conscientious examination of the area. Solar pool heating is the most financially appealing solution for the purpose of pool heating as well as for increasing your swim season.  Solar energy is a lot more affordable over the life of the system than the pool heaters which uses electrical energy, propane gas or fuel. Roof attached solar panels have become a more and more popular look and it’s thought that this will likely go on long on the future.

When it comes to sustainable energy, you might say that the wind and also sun are a gift by nature and the power we will gather from each just is never-ending. Passive solar heating (using the heat supplied by the sun) is a comparatively cheap, yet efficient way to help you decrease the immediate cost of heating our homes, either today as well as in the long run. Passive solar heating and cooling can conserve considerable electricity bills.

It really is just about the most useful style procedures for reducing the usage of fossil fuels in heat building. Additionally it is an excellent way to maintain your house cool during summer seasons. Passive solar heating is actually accomplished by collecting as well as distributing sun’s heat without other mechanized pumping systems. Successful heat storage calls for separating of collector from heat storage vaults.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit