Category Archives: Photovoltaic Solar

Varieties of Solar Power

Solar power involves harnessing the power of the sun to produce light and heat for buildings and homes. With today’s rising fuel costs, many people are turning to this alternative source of power as a means of heating their homes. The initial cost of setting up such as system may be more expensive, but the long- term costs are much less expensive.
You already have experience using solar power, even though you may not realize it. Calculators that will operate without batteries as long as they are close to a light source are very common examples. Greenhouses rely on solar power to help the plants to grow. They are usually constricted of translucent plastic that harnesses the power of the sun and transforms it into the heat and light that plants need.

Solar Panels

This use of the sun is not a modern idea. Thousands of years ago the Anasazi peoples used the same technology in their cliff dwelling homes. Adobe homes are another example of how people have used the power of the sun throughout history. Today this age old technology is called passive solar heating. It simply means that the heat from the sun is collected and distributed throughout a home with using any means of pumping it through.
There are several different ways of collecting and using power from the sun for your daily needs:
1. Photovoltaic Solar Tiles – These are special tiles that are used on the roof of a house to take full advantage of sunlight. The tiles are the material used for the roof covering and the cells in these tiles trap the sunlight and transform it into electricity.
2. Specially designed buildings – Buildings can have a special design in order to collect the heat radiated by the sun. They usually face toward the sun in order to take full advantage of every second of daylight. There are large glass windows in every room and in summer, balconies and large trees are used as shade to prevent the entry of too much of the sun’s heat during the day.
3. Heated Water Pipes – Using the heat from the sun to heat water pipes that run throughout the house is becoming the common method of using solar power. The pipes are painted black and placed in a type of greenhouse that will absorb the heat from the sun. This helps to keep water hot without having to use electricity. Having the pipes running through each room allows the solar power to heat the house in a manner similar to radiation heating systems.  These are panels placed on the roof of a home to collect the heat from the sun.
4. They are designed to maximize the light and the heat and in so doing cut down on fuel costs for the homeowner.

Many countries of the world are beginning to realize the effectiveness of solar power, not just in terms of fuel costs, but also in the fight against pollution. There are no fumes or pollutants being released into the air with using solar power.
For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit

Solar Energy

Solar photovoltaic energy cells are the main power source behind all solar systems, these cells first got their start in calculators. Over the years they evolved into many different uses, the most popular of which is supplying power to homes and business’s around the world. The solar cells are made from a semiconductor material with silicon being the most popular choice. When light strikes this material the semiconductor starts to move the electrons in the solar panels. The resulting electron activity is so strong that as the electrons flow around the semiconductor electricity begins to be produced in the solar panel.

Solar Energy

Now that you have energy produced in a cell you have to is harness the power from the photovoltaic cell into usable power. You must be aware however that solar power is in the form of DC current and needs to first be run through a inverter to change it to AC current at 120 volts. During this conversion a small bit of electricity will be lost. Once the power is out of the inverter a simple circuit is all that is required to power your electrical items.

If the power output is not enough to cover your electrical demands you will have to add more photovoltaic panels to increase the power output of the system. On the other hand if your solar system produces to much electricity you can actually sell it back to the power company. The power companies are required by federal law to buy back excessive energy, not only is this good for the earth but this will help offset the cost of the system as well.

The use of photovoltaic cells to produce power is an emerging technology that has a very bright future. As home owners and business around the world make attempts to save money and reduce operating costs solar energy is becoming a more frequent choice.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit

Cash in on Solar

In today’s struggling economy, saving even a few dollars has become important. While people are not putting a halt on their spending, they are requiring something in return. More and more homeowners are limiting their recreational spending, opting instead to increase the energy efficiency of their homes. Solar power homes are becoming quite popular and for good reason. There are several benefits of using the sun to power your home.

Lower Electric Bills

This is obviously the first thing that comes to mind when you think of solar power homes. The typical homeowner spends about $1400 a year on electricity. With a complete solar power home, it’s actually possible for the electric company to pay you! If your home is able to produce enough solar energy to power your home, then the excess energy is put back into the grid. The power company will pay you for this excess. That’s a dream that many homeowners only hope for!

Huge Boost for the Environment

One medium sized solar power home will save the earth from 6,000 lbs of carbon dioxide pollution. We all pay for traditional means of energy, such as coal and natural gas. We pay for it in tax dollars, pollution, acid rain, smog, and in many other ways. One of the benefit of solar power homes is that the renewable energy produced is clean. There are no harmful byproducts.

Low Maintenance

Solar power requires little maintenance. Unlike your gas or electric furnaces and appliances, solar panels are self contained and made to last for up to 25 years. Most photovoltaic solar panels come with a 25 year warranty. Unless there is a significant weather event, such as hail, or some outside problem, such as a falling tree, most of your solar panels will last a quarter of a century or better with little maintenance.

Aesthetically PleasingThere are now a number of solar power homes that are beautiful. What once was though of as a detriment to the physical beauty of a home is now almost invisible with the new models of solar power panels. They are integrated into the roofs of new home construction and provide a quiet knowledge of the saving happening within.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar power, visit

Photovoltaic Solar Panels