Category Archives: Green Power

Cut your Eletcric Bill using Wind

This seriously isn’t just a pipe dream. Because new technologies it is today doable for virtually any house owner to produce their own earth-friendly electric power, as well as save a lot of money at the exact time.

Just think about what it would be like if you did not must pay a energy invoice, ever in your life. How a lot income would you help you save? The thing is it possible you can do with that cash, think about a vacation, and obtain a new sports car? Typically the initial action would be to learn just a little in relation to Residential solar panels and wind electrical power. These are the basic two forms of alternative power that are already being utilized for household employ. The fundamental principle associated with wind power and photo voltaic electrical power may be the same, you change the energy in the sun or the blowing wind into electrical energy which can then be stored or utilized immediately.

Wind Energy

Either project can be completed for only a few hundred dollars as well as the pieces you need could be acquired locally. Photo voltaic power utilizes photo voltaic panels to capture and transform the power of the sunshine and wind energy works by using wind powered generator to capture and convert the energy of the blowing wind. It isn’t price successful to obtain the turbines or the photo voltaic cells, you are better off making them yourself.

This may seem overwhelming, however you should not be bothered, it is not difficult. You’ll find study materials that you are able to make use of that may show you in simple to follow steps how to build a turbine or photo voltaic panel. Using just one turbine you may help you save as much as 80% on your electricity bill. You won’t be able to produce all of the electricity you need, but it is a fantastic begin.

That will be 80% less electricity you have to pay for. Making use of green power is readily available for anyone to use proper right now. The startup costs are small but the potential payoffs are enormous. Get started these days.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of wind energy, visit

How Solar Power Works

How Solar Panels Work

The first component to consider when trying to understand solar power basics is the solar panel itself. These panels are typically mounted to the roof of a home, but could also be located on a pole or ground frame nearby. They need to have adequate sunlight exposure throughout the day and should be facing south for the best possible production of solar power for your home. So how solar panels work is that inside each of the panels is a collection of solar cells that are able to produce a small electrical current when exposed to sunlight through a process known as the photovoltaic effect. Even though this current is small for each individual solar cell, when they are connected together in a group their output can be quite substantial when generating solar power for the home. Most homes have a group of these solar energy panels in the system that can generate all the power their home requires.

How Solar Energy Works

Solar Power Inverter

These solar panels generate a DC current as part of their conversion process that needs to be converted to AC current before this electricity can be used by your home appliances. This is accomplished through the use of a device called a solar power inverter. The inverter is connected to your home’s electrical system and converts this DC current to AC current and supplies it to your home when your home solar power system is active. If your home solar power system is generating more power than you are using, the inverter will send the excess power back up the power lines to the local utility and generate an energy credit for you. This credit can be applied to the power you’ll need to buy back energy from the local utility company in the evenings when your system is inactive. If you size your system correctly this back and forth trading of power should cancel each other out and you’ll be left without a power bill each month. The solar power inverter is also the part of the system that switches your home between solar power that you are producing during the day and utility supplied power you are purchasing in the evenings.

Solar Power Battery

The last component that some solar power for homes systems include is a set of batteries. These are completely optional in your system, but if installed they can store the excess power your system produces during the day for later use at night. Some homeowners use this power first in the evenings before switching to utility supplied power to lower their energy bills even further. Other homes keep this reserve of power separate for use in the event of a power outage in their area.

For more information on how you can use green energy and gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit