Cash in on Solar

In today’s struggling economy, saving even a few dollars has become important. While people are not putting a halt on their spending, they are requiring something in return. More and more homeowners are limiting their recreational spending, opting instead to increase the energy efficiency of their homes. Solar power homes are becoming quite popular and for good reason. There are several benefits of using the sun to power your home.

Lower Electric Bills

This is obviously the first thing that comes to mind when you think of solar power homes. The typical homeowner spends about $1400 a year on electricity. With a complete solar power home, it’s actually possible for the electric company to pay you! If your home is able to produce enough solar energy to power your home, then the excess energy is put back into the grid. The power company will pay you for this excess. That’s a dream that many homeowners only hope for!

Huge Boost for the Environment

One medium sized solar power home will save the earth from 6,000 lbs of carbon dioxide pollution. We all pay for traditional means of energy, such as coal and natural gas. We pay for it in tax dollars, pollution, acid rain, smog, and in many other ways. One of the benefit of solar power homes is that the renewable energy produced is clean. There are no harmful byproducts.

Low Maintenance

Solar power requires little maintenance. Unlike your gas or electric furnaces and appliances, solar panels are self contained and made to last for up to 25 years. Most photovoltaic solar panels come with a 25 year warranty. Unless there is a significant weather event, such as hail, or some outside problem, such as a falling tree, most of your solar panels will last a quarter of a century or better with little maintenance.

Aesthetically PleasingThere are now a number of solar power homes that are beautiful. What once was though of as a detriment to the physical beauty of a home is now almost invisible with the new models of solar power panels. They are integrated into the roofs of new home construction and provide a quiet knowledge of the saving happening within.

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar power, visit

Photovoltaic Solar Panels

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