Installation is Key!

A proper installation of solar pool heaters is an absolute must. This depends upon solar source, location of the building where the collectors are to be placed, safety measures. It is suggested to get the whole system installed from a well-qualified agency which not only holds experiencing in installing such system but can also do a good job of maintaining the same.

Like every other machine or product, solar pool heaters also ask for a little maintenance. A little maintenance every season would make these solar heaters last at least ten to twenty years. For this is important to maintain chemical balance and filtering system of the swimming pool. If the climate is usually dry all around the year, then the glazed collectors also need to be cleaned periodically. Usually the installations guide also carries instructions for maintenance as well. It is a good idea to go through the manual once. It would help in the long run.

Solar pool heaters deteriorate usually in 15-20 years but their pay back time is usually three years. If you have an area for the solar collectors, then you can reap the full benefits of solar pool heaters. Now that’s what is called as basking the glory of Sun!

For more information on how you can gain from the many benefits of solar energy, visit

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